Sunday, February 8, 2009

Moving to WordPress

I know I only have a dozen or so posts, but I'm already moving to a new blog. WordPress is my new poison. It seems to be more refined than Blogger. The new site is and the feed is I've migrated all the posts and comments.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Jonathan's Fate

I love my Sunday School class.  Our teacher is Mr. Stemen who is actually an even better Sunday School teacher than a computer teacher.  I learn a lot at Sunday School and am continually challenged on a personal level.  A few Sundays ago we were in I Samuel.

In chapter 13 Saul offers the sacrifice before Samuel comes and Samuel says, "Thou has done foolishly".  In chapter 14  Jonathan and his armor bearer defeat a 20 man garrison of the Philistines.  In 14:3 "the people knew not that Jonathan was gone".  After their victory it says vs. 15 that the "earth quaked".  Saul then numbered his company in vs. 17 and found that "Jonathan and his armor bearer were not there".   For the trembling Saul "talked unto a priest" apparently looking for direction from God as to what to do, but "noise that was in the host of the Philistines went on and increased" Saul stopped consulting and assembled the people and went to meet the Philistines.  There they found "every man's sword was against his fellow".  Such sets the stage for the account I am interested in. 

At some point during the battle Saul "adjured the people, saying Cursed be the man that eateth any food until evening, that I may be avenged on mine enemies."  We are specifically told that "Jonathan heard not when his father charged the people with the oath", therefore when he saw a honeycomb he ate some honey and "his eyes were enlightened."  Only then did one of the people tell him of his fathers command.  Jonathan defends his actions and implies that his fathers command limited their victory.

As for the remainder of the people they "flew upon the spoil" and "did eat them with the blood".  When Saul was told he stops the practice.  Later Saul asks God if they should mount a night attack on the Philistines.  When God doesn't answer "that day" Saul assumes there is sin and deepens the punishment from the "Cursed be the man" earlier to "shall surely die."  Saul also specifically says "though it be in Jonathan my son, he shall surely die".

Lots are drawn, and when Jonathan's lot is taken he tells his father about the honey saying "and, lo, I must die."  Mr. Stemen took this along the lines of You're kidding right?  Die for eating a bit of honey when I didn't know of the command?  It was also later pointed out in our class that Saul knew Jonathan had not heard the decree because he had numbered the people and found Jonathan missing.  I have no reason to doubt this interpretation.  In my mind I had been thinking that it was more of a confirmation of the results of the command saying I understand I have violated the command and must therefore receive the punishment of the death., but I know of no support either way. 

Regardless Saul says "for thou shalt surely die, Jonathan".  Verse 45 then says "And the people said unto Saul, Shall Jonathan die, who hath wrought his great salvation in Israel?  God forbid: as the LORD liveth, there shall not one hair of his head fall to the ground; for he hath wrought with God this day.  So the people rescued Jonathan, that he died not."

It was pointed out by someone in our class that when Saul first became king he prevented those that had opposed him from being killed, but that here opposition from his own son should meet with death.  On the other hand it was also pointed out that it appears God did not answer Saul about the battle because of Jonathan's vioation of the king's command. 

Thinking about these things leads me to several questions.  Why is Jonathan held accountable for a command he did not hear?  Was is going against the garrison wrong because it was not a command of Saul?  Is it just that the violation of the command must be punished even though Jonathan's action was not a personal sin?  Was Jonathan's sin that of not explaining the situation to his father as soon as he heard of the command?  In this later case Jonathan could have prevented his fathers seeming elevation of the punishment from curse to death.

On the other hand the text as a whole seems to cast Jonathan in a better light than Saul.  Saul had just sinned before God with the sacrifice and then stopped from inquiring of God to go to battle and then makes a decree that made it difficult for the people not to sin in eating the blood.  At the same time Jonathan covenants with God for a battle, trusts God for strength in the battle, and of course later basically gives the kingdom he was destined for to David.  Of course good does not justify wrongdoing.

So the question is, should Jonathan have died.  The command was clear -- death.  Saul gave no exception for Jonathan or his armorbearer even though he knew they were not present for the command, going as far as to specifically point out that if it Jonathan that he will be killed.  God apparently was honoring his King by witholding an answer.

Unfortunatly this is a situation I don't know the answer for.  My heart goes out to Jonathan as did the people's, yet my logic says he should have died.  Perhaps I'm missing something that will bring this all into focus.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Do Right

My eldest son Luke did something the other day and I thought, I should blog about that.  It was then that I came to the shocking realization that I haven't blogged about my children at all.   Perhaps I thought the posts would be too whimsical or lacking in broad enough appeal.  In any case I'm not trying to sell you anything so here goes.

The other day I gave Luke and Emily some instructions before bedtime about some things I wanted done in the morning.  I was surprised to find that not only had they followed my instructions to the letter, but they did a good job as well.  We don't normally reward our children for obedience, but sometimes we like to just so they know we are watching and appreciate their cheerful submission.  In this case we decided to take them to Chick-fil-a.  They seemed to enjoy it.  That night I was giving Luke instructions for the next morning and he asked the question, "And what will I get if I do that?"  Needless to say we had a little chat about doing right because it is right to do.

Friday, January 23, 2009

More Than Just A Command

Most people know the content of Exodus 20:14 - "Thou shalt not commit adultery."  While this is true and is surely sufficient reason to avoid adultery, the scripture has more to say about the subject.

Proverbs 6: 32-33 for example tells us the nature of the person committing adultery as well as some of the grave results.

But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.

A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.
Often we don't get all of the why behind God's commands, but in this case God gives us a little more than just the command.  All the more reason to love and trust him more.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Competition and Regulation

In the December 15, 2008 issue of InformationWeek the Feedback section had a comment from Wally Garneau that I found interesting.  Regarding the government's roll in proping up companies and markets he said "...while competition is far better than regulation, in the absence of true competition, you'd better have regulation."  This comment in a nutshell explains what is so wrong with the bailouts.  By removing competition as a factor in eliminating unsuccessful companies the only way to make sure the money is not missued is to regulate it, but the regulator is government which is itself inherently worse at big business.  It's an all around failure.  We borrow money we don't have to give to companies.  We add a layer of ineffective government monitoring, and we save an unprofitable company temporarily from demise.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Funding Education

One of the more interesting games I have found on Facebook is called Nations. It allows you to create a fictitious country in which you are dictator of the country. Each day you are presented with two questions. Your options are to pick one of the three or four pre-created answers or dismiss the question. Your countries criteria on a dozen or so different factors may be effected and an outcome of your decision is listed.

At first I thought the game had a decidedly liberal slant. The longer I've played though the more I see is as just simply having an under-educated, popular opinion slant, which is itself sometimes liberal. Here is one such example of a question that doesn't have a good answer like privatize schooling.

A new worldwide study on literacy was released today placing your country in the bottom 10%. Do you:
Increase funding to public schools and offer tax breaks to adults who attend literacy programs at local colleges.
Enforce mandatory literacy tests? Find those who are dragging your score down and hold mass executions as an example to those who are considering not learning to read.
Reading isn't necessary! What does reading have to do with making name brand shoes or nuts and bolts.

Based on my previous experience with the game, the "good" answer is the first one. This follows the popular thinking that increased funding solves education problems. Funding may account for why one county has better teachers than a nearby county, but in general funding only influences education in extreme cases such as a complete lack of textbooks.

If I were writing these answers my answer would be something like the following:
Start a program to gradually privatize schools. In the meantime mandate look-say be replaced with phonics and stop promoting children to the next grade who have not met the grades reading requirements.

As I expected I selected option one and got the following result:

  • The overwhelming success of Xeamland's (the name of my country) new literacy program has sparked the once untapped printing and binding industries.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

We Three Kings

We Three Kings is a great Christmas carol by John Henry Hopkins, Jr. It's a pity that we only sing the first and last verses because each verse is good. I particularly like verse three because it makes verse four all the more meaningful. Here is the entire song.

Verse 1
We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar.
Field and fountain, moor and mountain,
Following yonder star.


O star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect Light.
Born a king on Bethlehem's plain,
Gold I bring to crown Him again,
King forever, ceasing never
Over us all to reign.
Verse 2
Frankincense to offer have I.
Incense owns a Deity nigh.
Prayer and praising, all men raising,
Worship Him, God most high.

Verse 3

Myrrh is mine: Its bitter perfume
Breathes a life of gathering gloom.
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying,
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb.

Verse 4

Glorious now behold Him arise,
King and God and Sacrifice.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Earth to the heaven replies.